Just finished This Is How You Lose the Time War and it burrowed into my brain more than I had realised. Sad to let it go. I’m about 10% into The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. Very intriguing and an easy read so far. What’s the last book you loved?
Hello world!
So, this is my new home on the internet. I’ll explain more about what’s going on here in a longer post but essentially I’m using IndieWeb and POSSE principles to create my posts from one place (here) which then automatically get syndicated to the many silo sites (Twitter, Bluesky, Mastodon etc) where my various friends are. I’m doing this in such a way that you can always track back to here but without throwing lots of links in their faces every time they see a little post from me. And more importantly, if they reply to me on those websites you can still see those replies here under my posts. Everything linked up. This way I own the original content, it’s only a copy that goes out to the awful sites, and I still get to interact with my scattered friends who aren’t ready to leave the platforms they’re on.